Like every other projects, we faced ups and downs during the course of completing this project.
Before we went out to collect the data, one problem we faced as a group was that we did not really have a clear idea of what was expected during the process. While we knew that we needed to collect data-people’s height and weight, we did not know the specific roles and details about how to go about doing it. This led to causing the initial part to be rather messy. It was because the roles were not clearly stated from the beginning; respondents came in from different directions as the group members were not very coordinated. Hence, it took us some time to get coordination right during the collection of data. The roles of each group members should have been stated from the start so that the process would be more orderly and organised. Having set up our measuring tape against the wall and placed weighing scale outside the Shopping Arcade area, the initial part of getting people to help us with our project was not smooth flowing as there were students that were not open to letting us take their height and weight. Sometimes, the students needed some persuasion before they were willing to let us take their height and weight. Over time, as more students came, seeing that other students were doing it, more were willing to help us with our project. Perhaps we could have worked out our approach towards students so that they would be more open to our measurements.
After collecting the required data, one obstacle faced was using SPSS as it was new to all of us. It took us a short while to get the whole blog done and entree uploaded. It was a little challenging keying in the raw data as numbers were used most of the time. What we could have done to avoid encountering such a situation again was to get familiar with the program beforehand instead of attempting to learn on the spot.
Having overcome these problems, we emerged realizing the value of using statistics in our experiments. Firstly, it boosts our understanding in conducting research. Secondly, our team learned the steps to extract and process information from raw data due to the demands of statistics through usage of SPSS software. Hence, our team acknowledges the importance of statistics results in conducting research to stem our findings and see where our hypothesis stands.
Overall, we believe that learning statistics and using SPSS would be very beneficial in our future projects and endeavors. We also had great fun and enjoyed meeting and interacting with our respondents.
With that, we would like to thank you for reading through our blog. We hope that it was beneficial and insightful. Finally, we wish you a healthy living and good health!
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